Saturday, February 23, 2008

tarea (homework)

It may seem, based on my pictures and previous blog entries, that all I do in BA is party. But the truth is less glamourous, and school and homework don´t usually make good pictures or interesting stories. To prove that I actually am doing something productive in Argentina, here´s my most recent homework assignment. We´re learning imperatives, aka, orders, and I´ve thrown in a few future tenses and gerunds as well. For example, Read this!

Hay cinco reglas hay que vivir en Buenos Aires.
(There are 5 rules necessary to live in Buenos Aires)

1) Vigilá la acera. Hay muchas baldosas que pueden chapote al aqua u orima de los perros sobre tus pies. Hay mucha caca de los perros tambien.
(Watch the sidewalk. There are many loose tiles that can splash water and dog piss on your feet. There is a lot of dog shit, too.)

2) Tené cuidado cruzando las calles porque los carros conducirán mas rapido si hay una persona en la calle.
(Take care crossing the streets because the cars drive faster if there is a person in the street.)

3) Vigilá por unos ladrones. Hay ladrones y ladroñas por todos los sitios. Tené ojos en el derso de tu cabeza, o perolé tu pasoporte, tu dinero, tu camara, o algo valores.
(Watch for theives. There are male theives and female theives in all places. Have eyes in the back of your head, or lose your passport, money, camera, or other things you value.)

4) No aspirá los buenos aires. En realidad no estan bueno y hacerán tus pulmones cambian negro.
(Do not breathe the "good air". Actually the air is not good and it will make your lungs black.)

5) Tomé mate sin azucar. ¡Aceptá el sabor amorgo!
(Drink mate without sugar. Accept the bitter taste!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Que es "mate"? No recuerdo. Es el jugo de naranja con creme? o es cafe/espresso?